Wow, I haven't posted anything in almost a month! I have been so busy lately. Of course, my kids keep me going every direction all day everyday, but I do try to find the time to work on creating my website and getting more info gathered up to get it going. A couple of weeks ago our computer crashed (again) and I lost all my bookmarks. UGH!! Huge frustration. My hubby rescued our ancient computer once again, and somehow got it back up and running to its capability. He has fixed it's problems to many times over the past 10 years. It will be thrown through the window one of these days, I'm sure of it. jk Maybe Santa will bring us a new one. hee hee!
I have figured out the design part of the website program I am using... for the most part. Now I have to put content on it. I get so excited about what it "could" be, then get discouraged because I don't want it to be just "another" site. The ones out there are already so great! I want it to be useful for people and helpful, but now I am getting overwhelmed with all the things I am finding. There is so much information about Alzheimer's then I ever knew. There are so many more people out there dealing with Early On-set Alzheimer's then I even knew existed. The resources, groups, blogs, organizations, all of it, is so much broader then when my father was alive. The main purpose, of course, is to help find a cure and I am not exactly sure how to do that. I will keep on with it though, because I'm not giving up.
I will keep ya updated. =)
Everyone enjoy your beautiful Fall days!
Until next time,